GeoPathway Interns in the field with UA Arizona Geological Survey
Two University of Arizona GeoPathways interns, Iaos Lizarazu and Jake Ridlinghafer, are assisting Ann Youberg (UA AZGS) and Luke McGuire (UA Geosciences) with collecting post-wildfire debris flow data this summer.
Our goals are two-fold:1) to expand our existing database of post-fire debris-flow basins and associated rainfall to better define rainfall-intensity duration thresholds for triggering post-fire debris flows; and 2) to begin collecting the data necessary to develop a model to predict post-fire debris-flow inundation limits for hazard assessments. Jake is an undergraduate in UA’s environmental sciences and water resources program and Iaos is undergraduate in the UA geosciences department.
GeoPathways is an NSF-funded project providing research experience for geoscience students who have recently transferred to the UA from Pima Community College and other two-year colleges. Dr. Karl Flessa is the PI.
Ann Youberg | Senior Research Scientist, UA AZGS
Figure. AZGS GeoPathway interns, Jake and Iaos, admiring a rockfall boulder that landed on flood debris in Kellner Canyon, near Globe, Arizona.