Mining history of Globe-Miami area, Arizona
David Briggs latest Contributed Report, Geology and History of the Globe-Miami Mining Region, Gila and Pinal Counties, Arizona examines, in fine detail, the economic geology, ore production, and mining history of the Globe-Miami area.
The Globe-Miami mining region of Gila and Pinal Counties comprises the northwest vertex of Arizona’s Copper Triangle. Copper production from the Copper Triangle totals about 37.3 billion pounds, or 13.6% of all historic U.S. copper production. Globe-Miami encapsulates four separate mineral districts renowned for their copper mineralization and production.
This 243-page paper includes sections on: Regional Geology; Economic Geology; History of the Globe-Miami Mining Region – which includes details on a number of mines (e.g., Cactus-Carlota, Copper Cities Mine, and Bluebird Mine); and Reclamation Activities. The final section, ‘Exploration and Future Potential’, speculates on mining in the Globe-Miami area going forward.
Chief features of this report:
• 113 Figures/illustrations. Including a number of geologic maps and geologic cross sections, as well as historical images courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey, Mining Foundation of the Southwest, University of Arizona Special Collections, Arizona Geological Survey, Arizona State University Library, Library of Congress, Gila County Historical Museum, and Sharlot Hall Museum, among others.
• 23 Tables. Largely historic copper production data from individual mines in the Globe-Miami area.
• Time Line. A comprehensive, 16-page Globe-Miami historical time line beginning in 1225 CE and ending in July 2020.

Citation. Briggs, D.F., 2022, Geology and History of the Globe-Miami Mining Region, Gila and Pinal Counties, Arizona. Arizona Geological Survey Contributed Report CR-22-B, 243 p.