AZGS Research Scientist Brian Gootee recognized by the UArizona College of Science
Each spring, departments in the College of Science select an outstanding staff member to be honored at the annual College of Science Staff (CoSSAC) Excellence Awards Luncheon. Research Scientist Brian Gootee was awarded the CoSSAC award for the Arizona Geological Survey for 2020.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Interim Dean Dr. Elliot Cheu emceed this year’s CoSSAC virtual award ceremony virtually.
Brian’s research interests range widely from geologic mapping, to examining and describing landslides, to describing the geometry of basin and basin deposits in Arizona’s Basin and Range Province, to geohydrology, and to the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in quantitative geomorphology studies.
He joined the AZGS in 2007 to assist with the geologic mapping program. Brian has since authored or co-authored 13 published digital geologic maps, as well as 17 Open-File Reports. He was the primary author on the important Special Paper 11, ‘Subsurface hydrogeologic investigation of the Superstition Vistas Planning Area, Maricopa and Pinal Counties, Arizona.’
When external funding opportunities arose, Brian had the appropriate expertise to become the leader of several projects focused on subsurface geology and CO2 sequestration.
We realized that we needed to enhance our relationships with the Native American tribes in Arizona, and Brian agreed to take on the role of Tribal Liaison. He has done great service assisting the tribes and representing the AZGS in affairs that involve the Native American communities.
Because of Brian’s depth and breadth of geologic knowledge, he is the most versatile geologist at AZGS. He is a tremendous team player and has repeatedly demonstrated his willingness to step up and help when there is a need.
Brian’s skills and expertise, his helpful and agreeable disposition, his diligent work on a variety of projects, and his willingness to work as a team leader or a team member has made him invaluable to the AZGS.
Select publications illustrating Brian’s versatility and geologic skill set. (For a compilation of Brian’s AZGS published maps and reports.
- Gootee, B.F., 2019, Revised depth-to-bedrock and depth-to-base of Gila River deposits along the southern Higley and northern Picacho Basin boundary, Pinal County, Arizona. Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report OFR-19-01, 18 p.
- Gootee, B.F., Cook, J.P., Young, J.A. and Pearthree, P.A., 2017, Subsurface hydrogeologic investigation of the Superstition Vistas Planning Area, Maricopa and Pinal Counties, Arizona. Arizona Geological Survey Special Paper 11, 70 p., 2 Map Plates - 1:60,000 scale.
- Gootee, B.F., Pearthree, P.A. and Johnson, B.J., 2017, Geologic map of the Moon Mountain SE and western edge of the Bouse SW 7 ½' Quadrangles, La Paz County, Arizona. Arizona Geological Survey Digital Geologic Map (DGM-122), 1 map sheet, 1:24,000.
- Gootee, B.F. , Pearthree, P.A., House, P.K., Youberg, A., Spencer, J.E. and O’Connell, B., 2016, Geologic Map of the Cibola Area, La Paz County, Arizona, and Imperial County, California. Arizona Geological Survey Digital Geologic Map, DGM-112, 21 p., 1 map plate.
- Gootee, B.F. , 2015, An Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Potential in the Picacho Basin, southeastern Arizona. Arizona Geological Survey Open File Report, OFR-15-09, 16 p.
- Love, D.S., Gootee, B.F., Cook, J.P., Mahan, M.K. and Spencer, J.E., An Investigation of Thermal Springs throughout Arizona: Geochemical, Isotopic, and Geological Characterization, Arizona Basin and Range Province, 2014, Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report -14-06, 129 p.
- Gootee, B.F., 2013, An Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Potential in Mohawk Basin, Gila River Trough, Southwestern Arizona. Arizona Geological Survey Open File Report, OFR-13-02, v 1.0, 8 p.
- Diaz, M., Gootee, B.F., and Youberg, A., 2008, Reconnaissance report on the Easter Weekend Landslide of 21 March 2008, SR-87, Gila County, Arizona. Arizona Geological Survey Open File Report, OFR-08-04.
Commendation by P.A. Pearthree and A. Youberg