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U.S. 191 in Cochise County damaged by extensive ground fractures
Extensive ground fractures damage U.S. 191 in Cochise County.
That sinking feeling
Satellite-based tech employed by Arizona Dept. of Water Resources has found more than 3,400 square miles of land subsidence in the state
UNESCO, AIPG and AGS examining subsidence and earth fissures in central Arizona
AZGS in the field examining earth fissures with UNESCO, AIPG and AGS.
The ineluctable march of earth fissures in southern Arizona
The ineluctable march of earth fissures in southern Arizona documented in newly revised earth fissure study area maps.
Natural Hazards in Arizona Viewer w/ statewide Landslide theme
Version 2.0 of the Natural Hazards in Arizona viewer includes more than 8,000 landslide features covering more than 800 square miles.
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