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Ray Grant presents "Mineralogy of Arizona" 4th Edtn.
Ray Grant presents Mineralogy of Arizona in 52-minute video.
Critical Minerals in World War 2
The first of 3 videos examining the role of minerals in WW II.
Directory of Arizona's Active Mines-FY2021

AZGS' Open-File Report 'Directory of Active Mines in Arizona: FY2021' documents 433 active, full-time mines or development projects in the state of Arizona. Mines come in all shapes and sizes, from small sand and gravel operations providing materials for local road maintenance and construction to the large open-pit copper mines, such as Morenci and Ray.

AGS Presents: Revisiting mineral district organization in Arizona
Arizona Geological Society 2021 presentation series began on 14 Jan. with Jan Rasmussen and Stan Keith of MagmaChem.Org discussing their “Magma Metal Series”.
Ho, Ho, Ho - Giving the Gift of Arizona Geology


Wretched as 2020 has been, and continues to be, the holiday season has arrived. For those looking for a gift with geologic overtones, we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite geologic books, field trips guides, and maps that are in-print or free as digital downloads.

Best wishes finding precisely what you need.

Geology & Mineral Resources of the Santa Catalina Mountains, SE Arizona
A 145-page monograph on the geology and mineral resources of the Santa Catalina Mtns. by Dr. Eric Force (1997).
Lowell Institute of Mineral Resources: Bringing minerals, rocks and mining to Arizona classrooms
The Lowell Institute for Mineral Resources offers outreach opportunities for Arizona elementary and high school students.
Preliminary evaluation of mineral resources of the Santa Cruz Valley National Heritage area

      In March 2019, President Donald Trump signed a public lands bill creating the Santa Cruz Valley National Heritage area encompassing parts of Santa Cruz and Pima Counties. This followed more than a decade of effort on the part of U.S.

The U.S. Geological Survey’s Commodity Report – 2019: Arizona’s role in U.S. mineral production
The US Geological Survey just released their 2018 report on U.S and global mineral commodities. Arizona is No# 1 in copper production in the U.S.
Major Zn-Pb-Ag deposit of Santa Cruz County, SE Arizona
The Taylor Zn-Pb-Ag deposit represents a world-class mineral find.
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