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Lowell Institute of Mineral Resources: Bringing minerals, rocks and mining to Arizona classrooms
The Lowell Institute for Mineral Resources offers outreach opportunities for Arizona elementary and high school students.
UA Arizona Geological Survey Activities Help Power Arizona’s Economy
AZGS contributed nearly $32 million to Arizona’s economy over the past year – a 34-fold return on the survey’s FY-2018 state allocation of $941,000.
ARIZONA ROCKS – The Postcards! Celebrating GSA-2019 Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona
The Arizona Geological Survey is celebrating GSA-2019 with 21 Arizona Rocks! digital postcards.
The Demise of the Virtual Arizona Experience
The Virtual Arizona Experience had a great run from 14 February 2012 till March 2019. 'All good things must pass.'
ASU partnering with Public Libraries on growing Citizen Science
Arizona State University (ASU) is partnering with Phoenix-area libraries to develop field-tested, replicable, low-cost toolkits of citizen science resources for public libraries.
Getting real about earthquakes in Arizona: AZGS at work for Arizona

On the evening of 1 Nov. 2015, residents of the Phoenix Metro area were rudely awakened when a magnitude 4.1 earthquake shook the valley. According to the Arizona Republic, and numerous other Phoenix-based media outlets, people across the Valley of the Sun felt a sharp jolt followed by several seconds of ground shaking. There were no reports of injuries or damage. That modest earthquake generated the sort of media attention that might normally accompany a punishing magnitude 5 or 6 earthquake. But as with real estate sales, it’s all about location.

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