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Bringing real-world geologic data to the college classroom: A conversation with Professor Jeffrey M. Simpson
Jeff Simpson, adjunct professor of geosciences at Chandler-Gilbert Community College discusses the challenges and successes of bringing real-world geologic data into the classroom.
Virtual Geological Field Trips for Education through Exploration
Studying the Earth in the field is an integral method of geoscience (Kastens et al., 2009), and teaching in the field is fundamental to geoscience education (Whitmeyer et al., 2009).
GeoPathway Interns in the field with UA Arizona Geological Survey

Two University of Arizona GeoPathways interns, Iaos Lizarazu and Jake Ridlinghafer, are assisting Ann Youberg (UA AZGS) and Luke McGuire (UA Geosciences) with collecting post-wildfire debris flow data this summer.

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