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John Bezy's "The Mogollon Rim, Arizona: Geology, Vegetation, Wildlife"
John Bezy's "The Mogollon Rim, Arizona: Geology, Vegetation, Wildlife" is now available at the AZGS Online Document Repository.
America Geoheritage II – Webinar Series Autumn 2020
A groundswell of interest in the U.S. regarding ‘Geoheritage’, America’s natural geologic legacy showcased in America Geoheritage II - webinar series fall 2020.
Walking & Geoheritage Tour of Phoenix, AZ
Touring the stones and stories of downtown Phoenix.
Preliminary evaluation of mineral resources of the Santa Cruz Valley National Heritage area

      In March 2019, President Donald Trump signed a public lands bill creating the Santa Cruz Valley National Heritage area encompassing parts of Santa Cruz and Pima Counties. This followed more than a decade of effort on the part of U.S.

A Geoheritage tour of Flagstaff & environs, northern Arizona
‘Touring Geoheritage Sites of Flagstaff & Environs’ StoryMap highlights 30 of the most prominent geologic, archaeologic, and cultural features near Flagstaff, Arizona.
Geoheritage Tour of Southern Arizona
Arizona's splendid geoheritage sites powers geotourism for Arizonans and American and foreign tourists.
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