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Arizona geoscientists anchor ‘Advances in Wildfire-Related Earth Surface Processes’ at GSA Annual Conference
UArizona geoscientists engaged in post-wildfire impact on geologic processes impacting geomorphology.
Post-fire flooding and debris flow impacts in the Museum Fire burn scar
Flagstaff's Museum Fire 2019 continues to produce damaging debris flows during 2021 summer monsoon season.
USGS, AZGS, & UArizona Geosciences collaborate on post-wildfire debris flow research in the southwest
AZGS has partnered with UArizona Geosciences and the US Geological Survey on understanding post-wildfire debris-flows in the southwestern U.S.
After a wildfire, how intense does rainfall need to be to cause a debris flow?
Monitoring precipitation and post-wildfire debris flows in mountains of the arid Southwest U.S.
GeoPathway Interns in the field with UA Arizona Geological Survey

Two University of Arizona GeoPathways interns, Iaos Lizarazu and Jake Ridlinghafer, are assisting Ann Youberg (UA AZGS) and Luke McGuire (UA Geosciences) with collecting post-wildfire debris flow data this summer.

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